Sometimes leaving a mark means removing one.

As proud sponsors of the McLaren Formula 1 Team, our logo has a prominent spot on the team's cars during the electrifying Grand Prix season. But we're not satisfied with brand exposure alone. During select races, we seize the chance to hand over this coveted spot to a game-changing nonprofit, creating a ripple effect of impact worldwide.
We call this Sponsor X.

Embark on our journey

Helping create a world where anyone can thrive

McLaren and Smartsheet both believe that we owe it to the next generation to prepare them for the challenges ahead. Smartsheet may not be in the business of driving at extreme speeds, but we are dedicated to making work matter for individuals, their companies, and their customers. And, like McLaren, we believe in supporting those who are championing the power of creative thinkers and explorers.

The philosophy behind Sponsor X



Sometimes leaving a mark means removing one

As proud sponsors of the McLaren Formula 1 Team, our logo had a prominent spot on the team's cars during the electrifying 2022 and 2023 F1 seasons. Not satisfied with brand exposure alone, during select races, we seized the chance to hand over this coveted spot to a game-changing nonprofit, creating a ripple effect of impact worldwide.
We call this Sponsor X. 

Helping create a world where anyone can thrive

McLaren and Smartsheet both believe in powering work that matters. Smartsheet may not be in the business of driving at extreme speeds, but we are dedicated to making work matter for individuals, their companies, and their customers. And, like McLaren, we believe in supporting those who are empowering future leaders in STEM, helping youth not just get to the starting line, but to soar past it.

Empowering young girls

Thank you for joining the conversation!

You helped us support these pivotal nonprofits and reinforce their powerful stories.

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McLaren nutzt Smartsheet bereits für die Transformation seines Betriebs

Da zwischen Sieg und Niederlage nur Hundertstelsekunden liegen, darf die Effizienz nicht auf der Strecke bleiben.

Unsere Partnerschaft mit McLaren